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Eppendorf 5.0 mL Protein and DNA LoBind tubes, screw cap. 200 tubes per pack

5.0 mL LoBind tubes

Eppendorf 5.0 mL Protein and DNA LoBind tubes, screw cap. 200 tubes per pack.


$100.00 $100.00 $87.00 $163.00 $163.00 $141.70
​Eppendorf Protein LoBind Tubes are specifically designed for use in proteomics or other fields of protein research, where protein concentration tend to be very small and sample recovery is vital for assay results. Significantly more protein can be recovered for downstream analyses and enzymes remain active.

Eppendorf DNA LoBind Tubes maximize sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample–to–surface binding. The ideal solution for sample preparation and long-term storage of your precious samples!