Online Catalogs from USA Scientific

Precise Solutions® Winter/Spring 2025

See the latest buy/get specials, new products, and other offers. Includes information on TipOne® pipet tips, ErgoOne® pipettes, CytoOne® cell culture performance ware, PCR plates, tubes, sealing film, equipment, and more!

Would you like us to send you a physical copy? Email us at [email protected] with your full name, organization and mailing address.

International Precise Solutions

Find information on TipOne® pipet tips, ErgoOne® pipettes, CytoOne® cell culture performance ware, PCR plates, tubes, sealing film, equipment, and more in our current International Precise Solutions

Spanish Language Catalog

View our "PRECISE SOLUTIONS® para el laboratorio" online catalog now by clicking here or on the photo. Information on TipOne, ErgoOne, CytoOne, PlateOne, and more!

20-page guide

If you would like to receive a print copy of our Spanish catalog, please email [email protected]. You may also call us at (800) LAB-TIPS or (352) 237-6288.

Vea nuestro catálogo de "PRECISE SOLUTIONS® para el laboratorio" en línea haciendo un clic aquí o en la foto. ¡Información sobre TipOne, ErgoOne, CytoOne, PlateOne y más!

Guía de 20 páginas: Haga clic aquí para descargar una copia en PDF.

Si desea recibir una copia impresa de nuestro catálogo en español, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Ud. también puede llamarnos al (800) LAB-TIPS o (352) 237-6288.