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Thermal-Lok 2-Position Dry Heat Bath, Includes 2 Blocks

Item #2530-1102

Thermal-Lok two block position dry heat bath, includes two 1.5/2.0 mL aluminum blocks. Digital display, temperature range from 5°C above ambient to 150°C, 1-999 minute timer.


$1,099.95 $1,099.95 $906.65

Thermal-Lok dry heat bath provides precise and stable temperature control from 5°C above ambient to 150°C. Includes a large digital display and convenient 1-999 minute timer. Accuracy ±0.2°C; increments 0.1°C.

This space efficient two block unit measures just 8.7” W x 10.3” D x 3.2” H and has a two year warranty. A block lifter with insulated handle is included with each dry bath for easy block exchange.

Interchangeable, high grade aluminum blocks ensure uniform heat transfer for a variety of tubes. Custom blocks are available upon request.